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Found GC1HV6R “DDT#7 You Down With LPC?”? No? Read on… December 5, 2009

Posted by kinzuakid in Cache Construction, Cool Caches, Education, Geocaching, Strategy and Tactics.
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I’ve hidden a series of caches called “Don’t Do This!”, highlighting some of the foibles we’ve all seen and are guilty of while Geocaching.  Included are a front yard cache, a rock in a pile of rocks, etc.  You get the gist.  The idea is to have safe and kid friendly caches out there showing off how hides can be both annoying and a lot of fun at the same time.  In addition, I provide links to some really neat area caches that deserve a little showing off for their uniqueness, challenge or just the view.

I’m a sarcastic jerk about it, but who can turn down the Frown-O-Meter(tm)?

The Least Painful of the Frowns

The most important bit is where you are supposed to actually FIND these caches.  One of them hasn’t been so easy to track down.

GC1HV6R is called “Don’t Do This! #7, You Down With LPC?” Take a guess what’s being lambasted with this one.  Where your average LPC is a 15 second find, this one hasn’t logged a hit since June 15, 2009, when I replaced it after its hiding place was removed.  Now I really tried hard to make this camouflage impenetrable but I think the letters L-P-C are throwing some folks off.  In case you came here for a hint…

…It’s in the palm.  3 feet up.  Look with your hands, not your eyes and stay in the quadrant closest to the lamp post that gives this cache its name.  It will take you a minute or two, but when you find it you will understand why it has generated so many DNFs.

And when you log the smiley ask yourself when was the last time you logged a 4.5 star LPC.  Never.