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Come Find Me at the Practical Polymath May 30, 2011

Posted by kinzuakid in Geocaching.

As I mentioned before, I am moving the blog.

This one was originally intended to be a temporary landing zone until I could fire up my own server, drop in all those cool widgets and spruce the place up all nerd-like as I am wont to do with my surroundings.  Also, I had the intention of widening the scope of the blog but really just wanted to get used to the process, formatting and so forth first.

It took a conversation with a friend, Edward Newman, to get me from the chair and into action.  We have a number of common and divergent interests.  Notably, we work together and have joined the passel of “company bloggers” for our employer.  We’re not fanbois, we just blog and have topics relevant to our industry that (in our myopic view) deserve a hearing.  We decided to join forces to make the business of blogging on a regular basis more agreeable and keep each other motivated.

Edward (Ted, from here on) enjoys good stuff: high-end audio, music generally, fine food and drink, technology, the outdoors, a good cigar and even an American made, hand-crafted shoe on occasion.  He devours books.  Ted’s the Mac without the hipster douchebaggery.

I suppose that makes me the PC.  Geocaching will continue to be a staple topic of conversation for me, but Geocaching intersects so many other interests I am happy to make the transition and open up to a wider audience.  Astronomy, physics, biology, card games (Cribbage), the sun, surf, magic (conjuring, mentalism), skepticism and general geekdom all mesh together like the warp and weft of a tight fabric.

The move is a good “marriage” of sorts.  I think the deal was sealed when I sat in Ted’s office and he asked me “what the heck is this Geocaching thing and why do you chase after little things under a tree?”

“Heck, Ted”, I said, “it’s like being in the longest running physics experiment ever devised.  Geocaching: proving Einstein right, one smiley at a time.”

I think Ted’s out hunting now with his iPhone app.  If I can just keep him from hiding another LPC we’ll be all set. While I fight that demon you can come find us at: http://www.practicalpolymath.com .

Edit: Ted came up with a motto…”Exploring the good life preferred by the Geek who can speak”.  I have to say that’s a good summation.



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